Vienna University of Technology
Main Building, Karlsplatz 13, A-1040 Vienna
Festive Opening Ceremony on the 8th of September: Kuppelsaal (4th floor)
Main conference from 9th to 11th of September:
Prechtlsaal (ground floor) and Böcklsaal (1st floor)

Map of the venue

Travelling to Vienna
Whenever possible, we encourage you to consider coming to EuroCarto by train to limit the environmental impact of your journey. Many good travel options to Vienna are available from a large number of European cities, especially by night train.

How to get to the venue
Routes and directions:
Public Transport and tickets in Vienna:
from Wien Mitte/Landstraße
Metro U4 (direction Hütteldorf) to Karlsplatz
from Wien Westbahnhof train station
Metro U3 (direction Simmering) to Volkstheater change to
Metro U2 (direction Karlsplatz) to Karlsplatz
from Wien Hauptbahnhof train station
Metro U1 (direction Leopoldau) to Karlsplatz
from Vienna International Airport
S-Bahn Train to Wien Mitte or City Airport Train CAT to Wien Mitte (slightly faster and more expensive than S-Bahn)
Accommodation and Tourist Information
Hotels with the Austrian Ecolabel (scroll down for a map to find hotels close to TU Wien), Vienna Tourist Board
Hostels, International Youth Hostel Federation
Information on Vienna, Vienna Tourist Board
Vienna City Map
Municipal Map Service