Thank You for EuroCarto 2024!
322 participants from 48 countries, 187 presentations, 34 poster presentations, 11 workshops and 11 ICA scholarships –
We thank all the presenters, participants, volunteers and our sponsors for an exciting and inspiring conference in Vienna!

A particular highlight was the strong presence of early-career cartographers. To connect with or join this next generation of cartographers, visit next-generation-cartographers.github.io.
Conference Proceedings
Accepted abstracts for EuroCarto2024 are published in a special issue of the Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association Series (Volume 7).
Registration is closed
All tickets for EuroCarto 2024 have been sold out.
To join the waiting list, contact info@eurocarto2024.org.
What we eat at EuroCarto 2024
In addition to our caterer, Colosseum, for the Opening Ceremony, we are happy to announce our collaboration with two new caterers this year.
Gaumenfreundinnen will provide refreshments and snacks during all coffee breaks. Founded ten years ago by two women, this pioneering company is dedicated to 100% ecological and sustainable practices.

This year’s Gala Dinner will take place at Badeschiff Wien with SPEISEN OHNE GRENZEN (food without borders) on Tuesday. The nonprofit organization supports talented chefs who have been forced to leave their homelands in recent years. These chefs will showcase traditional dishes from countries such as Syria, Ethiopia, and Afghanistan in a unique setting on a ship at the Danube.
EuroCarto 2024 preliminary program
The program for EuroCarto 2024 is now available.
Please note that this is the preliminary program – changes are still possible!
Workshop schedules now available
Visit workshops to view the detailed timetables and find more information about each workshop.
Submission deadline extended
In response to many requests, the final deadline for abstract submissions has been extended until the 24th of April.
Workshops at EuroCarto 2024
Explore our current lineup of pre-conference workshops.
If you’re interested in organizing a workshop, our Call for Workshops is extended until March 29th.

Call for Submissions
We invite you to contribute abstracts (up to 800 words in English) of novel research and completed or in-progress work on current cartographic topics.
For detailed instructions see our Call for Submissions.
The submission is open until 17.04.2024.
The registration for EuroCarto 2024 is open!
Please note that we have limited tickets on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Program Outline & Conference Mode
We are happy to announce the outline for EuroCarto 2024:
· SEPT 8: Pre-conference workshops and Opening Ceremony
· SEPT 09-11: Main Conference
· SEPT 10: Gala Dinner
The conference will take place in presence only.
There will be no hybrid or online presentations.